Monday, 6 August 2012

Be yourself when you blog

<p> I asked an amazing blogger what should i blog about ? She said blog about anything , just be you and people will love it. </p>
<p>I like blogging, but sometimes i have no idea on what to blog about. Writers block. i take inspiration from everything around me , i write up the post and it ends up being saved and not published . So i asked myself "what is your aim with this blog?" I came to a conclusion that is is for nothing other than me sharing my thoughts to the social world.
I don't think i will tweet about a particular subject , i hope the blog reflects who i am and shows me hoe I've changed over time.Also writing is something I enjoy by blogging i am doing what i enjoy most.
From now i will be me. That crazy ALgerian girl living in London ? Yeah that's me. That girl who is in deep love with the Arab culture ? Yes thats me . That girl that loves her religion more than anything ? Yeah that's me. That girl that loves being original , random and energetic ? Yeah that's me.

@za3targirl on twitter has inspired me to do this, just to tell you all what my aim is.

-beace x

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Saying goodbye

4 days until i travel to Algeria . And its time to say goodbye to all my loved ones. I feel as if i'm leaving forever although I'm only going for a month. Tears start rolling down my cheeks for i wont be in Contact with them for a month. Tomorrow i will say goodbye to my bestfriend who is literally my sister. Not talking to her for a month will kill me and tomorrow will definitely be an emotional day for me. So this is dedicated to her. I love you like a sister , stay safe during the holidays <3 :D

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Last week in england

The house is buzzing with excitement for in one week our whole family will go on a holiday to Algeria. Everyone's busy doing their last minute shopping and buying presents for our family there. 
Before I go I tend to say " ahh i wont miss England and is horrible weather" but once i get to Algeria i tend to miss home. The food is very different there , their lifestyle is very different. I enjoy my time there but i always end up missing London. I do enjoy being away from all the technology though, and life is much simpler there.
The beach , The sun , The family ... we all need a bit of that eh ;) 

In Algeria i will be visiting a city called Oran. Its in the north west of Algeria and is the closest point in Algeria to Spain.
update done. 
  -That Arab Girl 
   Beace out