Sunday, 25 November 2012

Dont judge a book by its cover

So lately I've been more involved in my school work than social networking and if you know me you would know i have a hint of love for fashion. I got told something that really mind boggled me today..I got told or rather some one said to me:
 "oh you dont seem like the sort of girl who would be smart,educational and into politics" At first I was a bit confused so i went on to ask:
 "why would you say that?" Now to be clear i wasn't angry or offended , I decided to take a look at what she said from a different view she replied:
"Well most girls who are into fashion tend to not enjoy school and flop in their education" I laughed at the comment and continued the conversation as if nothing was ever said.

When I got home I though about this and wondered do people really see people who are into fashion as dumb? I think this is the problem with people of course we all judge but is it really necessary for us to judge someone to that extent? can someone not be both smart and into fashion? In my opinion people have got to change their mentality and try to keep it up to date with this generation. To me it degrades people because there is this whole stereotype that clever people are nerdy and ugly and dumb people are into fashion and beautiful. 

My message for this short rant is dont mix looks with personality and achievements...if you dont know someone dont be too quick to judge as it can probably casue down fall to some peoples confidence.

Just my thoughts

@hajerella - twitter